Top Ten SEO Tips
Top Ten SEO Tips
Here are the top tips to get your website to the first page of Google.
1. Never have any copied content on a site. If you have to have it, put it on a separate page and no-follow, noindex it. Copied content includes content from your own site. Some people use parts of their main post content in pages to rank for other keywords. Google Panda does not like this and treats it as if you were copying from someone else’s site. Your site will be Panda Whacked.
2. Your keyword phrase should be in the first 25 words and the last 25 words and bold and Italic.
3. The 4Y’s are a must have. Your keywords need to be in the URL, Description, Title, and H1. If you can’t get it in the URL, then more backlinks will be needed to beat the competition if it is heavy.
4. The Meta Keywords are a must. It is a myth that Google no longer pays attention to it. It may not carry as much weight as it used to but Google uses it to discover what the site should be ranked for.
5. 700-1000 words of original content is what is recommended now for the first post. Posting 300 word posts in succession leads Google to believe you are using a service and not doing the work yourself. Google looks to place websites on the first page that are relevant so make sure the content is original quality
6. Have a 2%-3% keyword saturation. 2%-3% of the words in your post should be the keyword. Never go over 3%, however. Too much keyword saturation and Google will know you are keyword stuffing and will punish your site. Bold your keyword throughout the post or page.
7. Break up the content with video, bullet points, and images. Not only does Google own YouTube and loves when you have a site with a video, these details also help with conversion and bounce rate.
8. Adding a FaceBook Like button and a Twitter link helps now. Google is looking more at social networking and rewarding sites that participate.
9. Make sure that you enter the title, description, and especially alternate description for all your pictures and images. Google wants these ALT tags in there so it has a better idea of what your picture/image to see if it is relevant and brings value to a visitor. When you have relevant pictures/images Google is likely to raise the position of your site.
10. Avoid too much flash and scripts. Google frowns on these because Google can’t read them. If you really want to use flash it is recommended that you put it on its own separate page with lots of relevant content and optimize it for the search engine or make the page no-index, no-follow.
Authored by: Joan Wardzala – SEO Specialist in vertical and horizontal search engines – Google+